Please sign my Guestbook located near the bottom of this page. :)
If you plan on shopping online at Amazon.com,
I will receive a commission for sending them your business!! Just click one of the links and start shopping!!
And your purchases does not have to be Dark Shadows items!!
If you use "1-click", I won't receive credit for your purchase. :[
Recently when Yahoo merged with Geocities, all of my files on Geocities were
accidentally erased. I've been told that the files were on tape backup and that the files
will be restored. It's been a month and I'm still waiting. So, some of the links below will not
work or will lead to webpages without any pics. (10/25/99)
UPDATE: After waiting for 3 months and Geocities/Yahoo doing nothing, I've uploaded
some of the missing files myself.
Dark Shadows N E W S!
DARK SHADOWS returned to the Sci-Fi channel on Jan. 4, 1999. Two episodes are being shown Monday through
Friday starting at 11 am ET. Take a look at the
Dark Shadows Episode Guide for the Sci-Fi Channel 1999-2000 that I made.
On April 3, 2000 I made this UPDATE
Also, Dan Curtis was talking about a "possible" NEW DS series in the fall of 1999!!
Here's what was posted on the Cinescape website.
Dark Shadows schedule changes July 2000 on the Sci-FiChannel!!
Read all about it on my DS Message Board listed below!!
Or check the "Updates" just above.
Dark Shadows Message Boards
For the latest DS News, visit and post a message (IT'S FREE) at:
Be sure to visit "THE BEST" DS Message Board on the Internet,
The VantageNet DS Message Board
I also have a message board for the Gothic Soap Opera
Strange Paradise
Dark Shadows Chat Room
Visit my java based
DS Chat Room
If your are not a member, go to Xoom's website become a member - IT'S FREE
Then logon to my chat room using your Xoom nickname and password.
The latest version of the DS FAQ is 1.09 and it is about
a 1 meg file. To download one or all five parts of the
Dark Shadows FAQ in text format just choose from the items below:
Or to get the DS FAQ all in one file go to:
Click here for the TABLE OF CONTENTS of DS FAQ 1.09.
My Other Dark Shadows Webpages
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Online Dark Shadows Poll
Unfortunately, I no longer have the time to run these polls. Thanks to everyone that participated!!
Many thanks to DEE KEARNEY for her assistance in making these polls.
Checkout the results of Previous Polls
"Dreams of the Dark" by Stephen Mark Rainey and Elizabeth Massie
The second book in the new series from HarperCollins!! For more information, go to
their website
Or go to co-author
Stephen Mark Rainey's website
David Selby's new book "In and Out of the Shadows"
For more information, go to Criseyde's David Selby Page
Due in the stores November 4, 1998!!
Here's the back cover
and a close-up of Lara Parker
Pics from Lara Parker's booksigning tour
HarperCollins Brochure - Angelique's Descent by Lara Parker
On October 31, 1998 Lara Parker held an online chat at the Sci-Fi Channel's Sci-Fi Con. Here's the
Also, Lara's 11/8/98 AOL online chat
From a 800-Trekker catalog received in October 1998, a full-page of DS merchandise.
A NEW Dark Shadows Book from Bob Issel called:
The Collinwood Collection: A Dark Shadows Compilation Book
Click here for more information!!
The Collinwood Collection: Book II
Hi everyone. My first compilation book, "The Collinwood Collection", was so well received,
I decided to do a follow up. I introduced the 2nd book at the recent Dark Shadows Festival
in Las Vegas and it was a big hit with the fans. Like my first book, this 2nd edition contains
several letters (5 full letters and one partial) Jonathan Frid wrote home to his mother during
the run of that show. In all there are 45 pages of these letters.
Also contained within the 2nd
book you will find copies of several pieces of rare promotional material for the movies
House and Night of Dark Shadows, as well as some of the more rare Afternoon T.V.
magazine articles.
Another special treat you will find are copies of several of the pages of the
original 1968 Dark Shadows Fan Club Kit, as well as excerpts of Grayson Hall's Night of
Dark Shadows script with her hand written notes. As with the first book, I have included
several pages of color studio pictures. In all, there are over 50 color pictures in this
second edition!!
The price of the book is $26.00 + $3.00 priority mail postage.
Also available: T-shirt of the parody Barnabas drawing that adorns the cover of
The Collinwood Collection Book II. T-shirts are $15 each + $1.50 postage.
State size when ordering. Shirts available in medium, large, and X-large.
For more information please feel free to e-mail me at:
More RARE Dark Shadows Items from Bobubas
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If you are interested in ordering any of these items, send email for availability and postage info to
Pomegranate Press
For information on how to order Kathryn Leigh Scott's NEW book
The Bunny Years
For a look at the book's
cover photo and more information.
Check out these NEW books!!
Clique Publishing - Craig Hamrick
Dark Shadows Fan Fiction
A "NEW" DS story has just started September 1999. Approximately one chapter will be added every two weeks.
Read fan fiction from the Undernet chat channel #Collinwood called:
MAY SUTHERLAND sent me this information about
the above photo. Thanks May!!
My good friend DEE KEARNEY sent me a handbill advertising Jonathan Frid's
upcoming performance in NY, Nov. 7, 1998. I've scanned and uploaded it to the following
For more information about Frid's performance, go to Jonathan Frid's
Fridiculousness website at:
Jonathan Frid's 11/7/98 Performance in NY
Thom's Pics
Here is information
about the above pics.
Dark Shadows Stars Interviews
David Selby in Hartford, CT (1999)
HODS 30th Anniversary
Less Recent DS Festivals & Halloween Parties
Nancy Barrett "Close To Home" - Coffeyville, Kansas 10/31/98
Below are pictures of DS stars and the fans from many different sources.
Links To Dark Shadows Websites
All of the Dark Shadows links are now listed on one page.
Just click the link below.
Here's my pic and courtesy of VictoriaW,
one of my alter ego MrJuggins
OFF TOPIC: Here's a
brain teaser. You will have to print it out to solve it.
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Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis Production. All rights reserved.