Hi All . Here is a jpeg with 5 pix from the Chiller Theater Convention a bunch of us attended on Halloween in New Jersey. That's Frank Gorshin (The Riddler) in the top left. Me with the Lost in Space robot and the top right in Linda Harrison who played "Nova" in the Planet of the Apes movies. She was a real sweetheart.
Bottom Left: The Ka-Bala Game. I saw it in the dealers room and had to take a pic of it for a couple reasons. I had one of these as a kid. Bottom Right: Jay, Helen, Mary, Astrid (in her pumpkin fit costume), Dean, and I. This photo was in the hotel restaurant.
The Cast Members of the original Lost in Space. Top Left: Jonathan Harris (Dr. Zachery Smith). Top Right: The very beautiful and gracious Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson). Bottom Left: Mark Goddard (Don West). Bottom Right: Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson).
We also saw many other stars such as Gil Gerard, who now bears a striking resemblance to Dark Shadows collectible dealer Parker Riggs. Also present were several members of the cast of "Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory" including Charlie, Lou Ferregino (The Incredible Hulk) & Erin Gray (Buck Rogers).
Oh, I have a funny story about Bela Lugosi Jr. and Sara Karloff. As your probably aware, they are the offspring of their famous fathers.....Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff. They had booths next to one another and were displaying/selling memorabilia in association with their fathers careers. Jay was off getting some other stars autograph and Helen was taking the picture, so I wandered over towards their booths to check out the items. Whilst (I love that word) ha ha.....Whilst I was standing there I observed this fellow in his mid 30's staring with a sort of blank look at Sara Karloff. He was directly in front of me slightly off to my left towards the front left of her booth. Suddenly he blurts out to her in a semi-loud monotone type voice, "What movie were you in?"
Ms. Karloff responded that she was not in any movies.
The fellow again asked "What movie were you in?"
To which Ms. Karloff once again replied "I was not in any movies."
At this point one of the guys friends tapped him on the shoulder and said lets go. Apparently this other guy had been off getting a autograph elsewhere. Anyway, the first guy shrugged him off and once again asked Ms. Karloff what movie she was in. She again replied that she had not been in any movies. Suddenly the guy decided to wander a few feet to his left and now stood in front of Bela Lugosi Jr's table. Mr. Lugosi had some posters displayed of his father from a few of the horror movies he had done. (Bear in mind Bela Lugosi Jr. really does NOT bear a strong resemblance to his father in facial appearance). Anyway, the guy looks at the posters then looks at Mr. Lugosi, then he looks at the posters again and again looks back at Mr. Lugosi. Finally he says to Mr. Lugosi, "So you played a vampire huh?"
Well, Mr. Lugosi had heard the guy question Ms. Karloff, because as I said, their booths were right next to one another. Mr. Lugosi looked at me and a couple others standing around this guy and smirked a bit before responding, "No, that is my father. If that were me I would be 184 yrs old."
At this point the guy just walked away.
After he walked away I turned towards Ms. Karloff who smiled up at me and I said with a very serious look on my face......."So what movie were you in?" Both she and Mr. Lugosi started laughing as did a couple of the others who had witnessed the episode. :) Bobubas