Shadows On The Wall Chapter 75: How to Make Amends by Nicky Voiceover by Thayer David: “Collinwood, in the year 1968, besieged by a force from the dawn of time, something so darkly malevolent, something so reprehensible, that it corrupts everything it touches. And it is a force wielded with expert efficiency by one young woman in the great house of Collinwood ... a woman who may hold the key to the destruction of everyone she loves.” ACT I 1 Her eyes glittered like polished black stones, and her lips were drawn back in a leering, toothy smile. “I am the Queen,” she announced grandly, and waved her hand. As if in answer to a silent summons, the ebony sky over her head was split by several waves of crimson streaks, as if the stars were hurling themselves at her, shredding the sky, burning up before her. Globes of fiery beauty. All for her. In her black garden. The woman that had been Victoria Winters was the Queen, and she was attended, as a queen should be. A shifting emerald carpet of twisting, hissing serpents writhed around her ankles and rubbed smooth and silky over her feet and up around her calves. Their ministrations were strangely soothing. A hand fell on her shoulder. She stiffened at first; who would dare to touch her now? Here? In her own palace, her own world? The hand was white and heavy, and the nails were black. She shrugged, a tiny token gesture of disgust, and the hand fell away. “You are our Queen,” a voice said. She felt a tiny sliver of fear when she heard it — buzzing, insectile, as inhuman as if a roach had learned to speak in human words — but quickly shook the fear away. This was her place, dammit, the place where didn’t have to feel fear. Or anything else, if she didn’t want to. “We worship you.” It hesitated. “But —” “I am powerful,” Vicki said. “You will never touch me again.” “And where,” that voice said, and it was sly suddenly, and she didn’t like it, “where do you suppose that power comes from?” “Leave this place,” Vicki said. The snakes around her hissed reprovingly. “Leave me alone. I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone.” “You don’t really believe that.” “Of course I do.” The carpet of serpents parted, and a tiny form rose up from beneath them, and stared up at Vicki with wide brown eyes. Vicki felt that nasty quaver of fear again, and tried to shrug it off. “Amy?” she said. “Amy, what are you doing here?” “I belong here,” Amy said. “This is my place too.” Vicki’s head throbbed, and she brushed a trembling hand against her forehead. “No,” she said, and began to shiver, “no, that’s not — I mean, that isn’t —” The little girl held out her arms imploringly, and Vicki saw a tiny mark on her wrist. Her hand lashed out before she could stop it and seized Amy’s arm, then pulled her close. The girl remained eerily silent, and she didn’t flinch. “What is this?” Vicki hissed, but she knew already. She recognized the mark, like a tattoo, because she had seen it a few weeks ago on David. I erased it, Vicki thought dazedly, I used my powers to erase it, because he wasn’t himself, he was being ... he was being controlled ... Amy gently removed her arm from Vicki’s numb fingers, and with a dainty gesture stepped back and looked up at her governess. “The time is coming,” Amy said. “You’ll know it soon. The time of the Leviathan people is at hand.” According to Eliot, they are a race that ruled the earth long before our kind ever made an appearance. They were evil, the purest of evil apparently, and incredibly powerful. But at some point, mankind made a stand against them, and they were banished, although no one knows to where. Quentin’s voice (dear and sweet, no, not, not sweet, just a, just a VOICE —) in her ears, and she pressed her hands against them but it didn’t help, didn’t make his voice go away. “The Leviathans,” she whimpered, and looked behind her, but whoever — whatever — had stood there was gone now. Amy took her hand. It was tiny and cold, like the belly of a fish. “They’re coming,” she said, and her voice was chiming and sweet, and her smile was innocent. “They’ll be here soon.” Vicki gasped and sat up. Her head throbbed for a miserable moment, and she reached out and groped at her hair, her beautiful fall of thick auburn hair that had, until recently, remained unmarred. Now, she realized, it was streaked with a shock of white that seemed to grow daily. Not daily, she thought grimly; everytime I use my powers. She glanced around her, and realized that she was sitting in a chair in the drawing room at Collinwood. The double doors were closed, and a fire crackled in the fireplace. How did I get here? she wondered; I don’t remember anything after — A scream rose on her lips, and then died away as she pressed her hands against her mouth to squelch it, force it away, force it not to exist. Quentin Collins, the man she loved more than anyone else on earth, was sprawled out on the hideous green couch before her. His eyes stared blankly ahead of him, and they were dim and dazed and glassy, like marbles; his mouth gaped open, and a runner of saliva ran in a silver stream down his chin. The slight rising and falling of his chest was the only indication that he still lived. “Oh Quentin,” Vicki murmured, and then she remembered. He knows, she thought with a cold shock of horror, he knows about me, he saw — he saw — He didn’t see anything, a cold, small voice said within her mind. How could he? He doesn’t remember anything either, because you wiped it all away. You know. With those powers you’re so fond of. She remembered now, oh yes she did. The emptiness inside him. Alive ... but not alive. Dead ... but not dead. Something horribly inbetween. I might as well have killed him, she thought dimly. Oh my god, oh my dear sweet god — She sat up. “I can make it better,” she said aloud, not caring that the room was empty (more or less, she thought, and sobbed), “I can make it right, there’s still time, I can fix it and no one has to know —” She was across the room in a literal blink of an eye, and found herself kneeling beside him. But he didn’t move, or give any sign of recognition that there was someone else in the room with him, or that he was even in a room at all. The power rose inside her like an obedient serpent, a familiar feeling, dark and terrible and seductive and consuming, and she felt it spread inside her like a stain, and she said, “Quentin Collins —” and her voice rumbled low and throaty with power — “It won’t help him.” The power dissipated, and Vicki collapsed into a heap next to the couch as an exhausted sigh left her lips. She managed to lift her head, and watched the approaching figure kneel beside her, and gently take her hand. And it was cold, dear lord, so cold. “You can’t do anything for him,” Amy Jennings said. “He’s gone. Gone for good, see. And you did that. That thing. See?” She blinked. Horror had strangled Vicki’s words in her throat, and she could only watch. Amy nodded sympathetically. “I know. But this is the way it has to be. Like I told David, when David still remembered.” The child’s eyes grew hard and flinty. “You did that too.” “I had to,” Vicki said throatily. “I had to because — b-because —” “Doesn’t matter,” Amy said with a strangely adult gesture of dismissal. “Now is all that matters. What we have to do. Now. Do you want him back?” “Yes,” Vicki wheezed. “God.” “There is no god here,” Amy said, and grinned. “There is only you ... and me.” She cocked her head to the darkness pressing eagerly against the window behind them. “And ... them.” “I won’t play this game.” “You don’t have any choice.” Her voice, sweet and melodic. Her eyes glinting, flashing, devil’s eyes, snake’s eyes — You are strong now, Victoria Winters. No one can tell you what to do. “Yes,” Vicki hissed, and felt the power inside her expand of its own accord. For a second Amy flinched back, and a shadow, a brief spasm of fear, crossed over her face. “I do what I want to do. Tell them that. Your masters.” She stood up, and at her full height she towered above the girl. Black skeins of electricity began to crackle between Vicki’s fingers; a spark flew from her hands and scorched Amy’s cheek, and the girl scuttled backwards on her hands and knees like a crab, keening, a high desolate wail. “I’ll find a way to save him myself,” Vicki said, and her voice was deep and throaty with power and confidence. I know what I’m doing, she thought, I am absolutely in control. “Now get out of here,” Vicki said, and more black fire flew from her hands. Screaming, Amy clambered to her feet and fled, and slammed the drawing room doors behind her. Satisfied, Vicki brushed her hands against her skirts, and turned back to Quentin. She stroked her chin thoughtfully as she stared into his vacant blue eyes. “I’ll make it right,” she said. “I’ll make it better. I promise you that, my love. I’ll make everything okay.” 2 “Get out of here, Sky,” Angelique hissed. She had never felt more vulnerable in her life, even after her most recent brush with death at the hands of two of the most sadistic (and now, she thought with a momentary inner smile of triumph, regrettably immolated), most vicious vampires she’d ever encountered. The nightgown she wore was blue and filmy, and she crossed her arms over her breasts before she realized she had. “Go on, leave!” The man she had once imagined she loved stood before her, and his head was bowed slightly, and a lock of his chestnut hair fell across one eye in a tiny curl. She remembered running her fingers through his hair on their wedding night (how long ago that now seemed, how foolish), tugging it in the heat of passion, groaning in his ear, the night she had felt like a woman again, a real woman, for the first time in centuries. His hands were clasped before him almost reverently, and she felt a spark of hatred flare within her, ignited by the betrayal she had received at those hands. He’s just like you, Angelique, a mocking voice whispered in her ear. Just the same. How typically female; you overlook your own deception, but you’re furious at his. It whispered to her in the snide tones of Nicholas Blair, but it was her own voice. Dammit. “I can’t leave, Angelique,” Sky said, and was that tenderness in his voice? She’d be damned if — “I came all this way to find you.” Her face hardened. “Did your friend Nicholas Blair tell you about me? Is that it? So you think you know the awful truth?” She drew herself up fiercely. “Well I know a few things about you too, Sky. It’s frightening enough to know that you know Nicholas Blair — and even more frightening that he should come to you for a favor. Evil? Depraved? Isn’t that what he said you were?” Sky’s hands were clenched into fists, and Angelique drew back, suddenly a little frightened. If Sky were as powerful as Nicholas had hinted — or perhaps even more powerful — then he could destroy her right now, without a thought or without even any effort expended. “Angelique,” Sky said through gritted teeth, “you don’t understand.” “Oh, I think I understand all too well,” she said. She was nearly screaming now; anger and fear made her voice shrill. If only I had asked Professor Stokes for some anti-witchcraft charms, she thought, and could only appreciate the grim irony in that suggestion. “You’re a warlock. A powerful, evil warlock. What did Nicholas want from you, Sky? What has he done for you in the past? And how much will it cost you?” “You’re right,” Sky said, and suddenly he sounded weak and defeated. He collapsed in a heap beside the bed, and dropped his head and then covered it with his arms. He began to rock back and forth, and she could only stare at him in shock. Crying? Was Schuylar Rumson, one of the most powerful business magnates in the Western hemisphere — Sky Rumson, the man who, laughing, had swung her around in his powerful arms so that she could place the star on the top of the highest tree in the forest he had cut down himself only a few weeks ago — could Sky Rumson be crying? Now? “You’re right,” he said again. “I never wanted you to find out. I was so afraid that you would hate me, run away from me ... just like you did. And I can’t blame you. I came to find you so I could try to explain. I wanted to make you see that I’ve changed. Your love changed me, Angelique.” He looked up at her, face streaming. “Your love made me a real man again.” “What are you talking about?” Suspicious hissed within her like a nest of snakes. “I was a warlock. I have been for — god, a hundred years. I was born in England in 1855, and came to America with my mother when she remarried just after the Civil War. My stepfather lived on a plantation in Virginia. His housekeeper was a woman named Zimba, this old black woman he had brought back with him from the West Indies. She was an Obeah woman, like a priestess, and she taught me all about dark magic. I’ve learned a lot since then. About immortality. About power. Oh, I wanted power more than anything in the world. I sought it out. I’ve been to so many places, places I don’t even want to think about now. I’ve done terrible things. All in the name of power.” He wiped his face, and stared at his hands. His voice was feather-light, barely more than a husky-leaf whisper. “So much power. I built my empire with the witchcraft. And still, it wasn’t enough. I would lie in my bed at night and send out my spirit to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, farther and farther, away from earth, away from the netherworld, into worlds no one else has ever visited, ever. I met demons and spirits and offered them anything they wanted. So long as they gave me power. “Still, not enough.” He sighed, and looked into her face. “Even before I met Nicholas, I was reconsidering. Everything. I was scaring myself, see. I had never felt fear before in all my long life, but suddenly ...” He shivered. “This wasn’t even a year ago. I was casting a spell with my coven. Three witches and another warlock. Paltry. Weak. But still ... magic is magic. And I took it from them. They offered it to me freely, and I sucked it out of them and added it to my own. There was a mirror. I was going to tap into their power and use it to open a portal to yet another dimension. I thought I could find a demon there who could increase my own powers a hundred-fold. In exchange I planned to offer him the world. This world. Our world. All of it. All dark. Forever. “And then I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror. Mid-incantation. And I stopped. My face was white, like a corpse, like salt. There were veins stretching all across it, purple, ugly, like bruises. Not purple. Black. Like the blood that pumped through me was ichor. And my eyes ...” He wiped sweat from his forehead. “They were black too. Not just black, but empty. Christ. I don’t know if I believe in a soul, and I probably haven’t had one for a long time, but suddenly I was afraid for it. I was ugly. Inhuman. I realized what I was about to do. I was going to end the world, and for what? For power? The power to do what exactly? I didn’t know. Couldn’t answer. So I stopped the ceremony and I broke the mirror, and I ran from that place and I never looked back. I swore that I would stop using my powers. For good. And for awhile it was hard. Falling back on old habits. Teleporting to the office, rematerializing at home. Conjuring up fire to light a cigarette. I swore them off again and again. But it never took. “Until I met you.” He gazed at her solemnly. She couldn’t move. She was uncertain. Her body was heavy, then light, heavy, then light. She couldn’t take her eyes away from his. “Angelique, you make me human. I have never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. I love you. I never thought I would know what that meant, but I do. I do. God, Angelique, I’ve been nothing without you. An animal. I ... I nearly destroyed the house when I found out you had gone.” Shame burned in his eyes and in the curl of his lips. “And I knew why. I knew you must have overheard Nicholas. The power came back, and it was strong. So strong — but not strong enough. Because I’m stronger. But I’m only strong because of you. Please, Angelique.” He reached out his hand for hers. It hung in the air, suspended between them. “Please,” he said. “Don’t leave me again.” She looked at it wordlessly, then up to his face. “Sky,” she said. And closed her fingers around his. “Can you ever forgive me?” he whispered. He was in her arms; she was in his arms; his face was pressed against her breasts; his face was hot and wet with his tears. “I don’t know,” she said, over and over, “I don’t know, I don’t know, but I love you, Sky. I can’t help it. And I understand. I do.” He looked up at her. “You do?” She cradled his face tenderly in her hands. “Don’t you know? Didn’t Nicholas tell you?” He shook his head. She took a breath and didn’t take her eyes from his. “I was a witch, Sky. For far longer than you’ve been. Since 1692, maybe even before. Maybe a million incarnations, and I’ve always been a witch.” She grimaced. “Except for now. I have no powers. None. And I’ve never been happier.” He was staring at her in shock. “Angelique?” he whispered. “Angelique ... Collins?” She recoiled a little at that name. “You’ve ... you’ve heard of me?” “Who hasn’t!” he exclaimed. “Angelique Collins, the most fearsome, most diabolical witch this world has ever known!” “Sky —” “I had no idea,” he said, as if he hadn’t heard her, “none at all! I never would’ve connected it.” He stood up; he was pacing now, across the length of the room, like a tiger, and running his fingers over and over through his chestnut hair. Angelique watched, and a sick feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. “And I checked! I can tell if someone uses magic or has any magical powers; you know, you know how you can sense that?” She nodded slowly. “But you didn’t. None! Or no more than any other human I’d met. And that’s just it. You were human, just like I wanted, just like I thought I needed —” “I am human. Now.” He blinked at her. “Nicholas,” she said. “Nicholas made me human. About five months ago. I left this place, and I never wanted to come back here again.” “Barnabas Collins!” Sky said, and snapped his fingers. “You turned Barnabas Collins into a vampire!” She shrugged. “Among many others things I did —” “Nicholas told me about you once. He’s not very fond of you.” “The feeling,” she said, eyes flashing, “is mutual.” He stopped pacing. “Is it really true,” he said, his voice a conspiratorial whisper, hushed with awe, “that you were walled up for two hundred years?” She stared at him silently, one eybrow arched. “Did you come here to see Barnabas?” There was no jealousy in his voice, she was relieved to discover, just honest curiosity, and maybe something else — “Yes,” she said. “We’ve ... we’re overcoming our differences. I came here for help. And there’s another woman, a friend of Barnabas’ who’s helping me, Julia —” “Julia Hoffman,” Sky said, “yes, I know her. Well, I’ve heard of her, I mean.” Angelique stared at him incredulously. He sighed. “Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and I are old friends,” he said, then amended, “or business partners, really. Long time ago. She owns stock in my magazine. I can’t believe her name never came up.” “No reason it should’ve,” Angelique said with a trace of bitterness. “I was trying so hard to avoid the subject of Maine at all. I never wanted to bring up the Collins family. I never wanted to see them again.” “But the Collins family is why I’m here,” Sky said. “Just because I haven’t used magic in about a year doesn’t mean I’m not attuned to it. I can feel when something dark is rising. Time was I’d have been drawn to it. I’d have come to this place to suck up all the dark juice that I could possibly take. But that’s over now. I can feel it, though. Something bad is coming here ... and I sensed you, Angelique. I sensed that you had come to this place, and I came to save you, even if you wouldn’t listen to me.” “You’re right, Sky,” Angelique said, and climbed out of bed. Her arms were still folded across her troubled breast. Lightning flashed outside and illuminated her features; her eyes flashed in the silver light. “Something terrible is coming, but we don’t know what it is. Barnabas is a part of it, maybe other people. But Sky —” She grasped at his arms, looked into his face, searched it with those same intoxicating blue eyes. “We may have no other choice. Whatever is coming, whatever this menace is, its power stretches far beyond me or anything I’m capable of doing now. If you’re as powerful as you say, we may need you.” He looked away, disgust marring for a moment his handsome, carved features. “Angelique —” “I mean it,” she said, and took his hands in her own, suddenly icy. “I mean it, Sky. If worse comes to worse, you may have no choice. None. You may be forced to fight Sky, and you may be forced to use your powers ... or we will all be lost.” 3 It was sobbing, Julia thought with amazement. Whatever it was, it was sobbing away as if its heart was broken, and long, silver tears in streams ran down its twisted, inhuman features. Its eyes were flat and yellow now, and a twisted snout filled with razors jutting from black gums snuffled at the air; its face was plated with armor that gleamed an opalescent black in the light of the moon. It’s still human, Julia thought. Somehow, underneath it all, that thing is still human. Still Chris Jennings. The tinkling music continued to pour from the music box Julia held in one outstretched hand. She had regained consciousness a few moments after she passed out, and Barnabas had handed it to her wordlessly. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the monster had scuttled away from her and was curled up in the corner of the room, making choked baying sounds and rocking. It was huge, she realized; even curled up on the floor with its long arms wrapped around its knees, it was still as tall as Barnabas. It was staring at her with its strange eyes, flat yet strangely compelling, with a sort of wonder that was almost childlike in that deformed face. As she watched it shifted again; hair sprouted from between the plates which receded and disappeared back into the skin; the eyes glowed emerald, and the snout became a horn that bristled with thousands of tiny teeth. It blinked once, and swallowed, and another cascade of tears poured from its eyes. It held out what had once been hands, then paws, and now resembled the pincers of a lobster. “Oh Chris,” Julia whispered, “what have I done to you?” “Julia, what do you mean?” Barnabas spoke in a low voice, but his eyes flashed dangerously. “This really is all my fault,” Julia said. The chiming minuet began again, and the creature before them uttered a low, heartbreaking moan. “I’ve been administering injections to Chris for the past few months, Barnabas. I thought they were making an improvement, maybe paving the way for a total cure. A release from his curse.” She sniffled; her eyes burned; she would have killed for a cigarette. “But I guess it ... um ... backfired. Made him something even more monstrous than he already was. Oh god —” “G-gar -d —” Julia gasped. The monster had spoken, or tried to speak. The horn had become a vast hole in its head still lined with teeth like butcher knives. Its eyes rolled madly in their sockets. “He-ep meh — gard — hep meh —” A pointed pink tongue lapped briefly at its swollen black lips. “Oh Christopher,” Julia said, and began to cry. “It’s all right, Julia,” Barnabas said, and laid a comforting arm across her shoulder. “You didn’t mean for this to happen. We can fix it. We can make it right again, I promise you.” “I don’t know, Barnabas,” Julia whispered. “I just don’t —” The creature before them gave a convulsive moan, and began to thrash in its corner. “Chris!” Julia exclaimed, but Barnabas held her back. Black fur sprouted all over the creature’s body and just as suddenly receded, and melted away; the body began to shrink and reform itself, and in only moments Chris Jennings lay before them, shivering, his naked body beaded with sweat. “I’ll get a blanket,” Barnabas said, and left Julia alone with him. She knelt at his side, and tried to smile down at him. He blinked up at her with dazed eyes that were filled with an unbearable pain. “Chris,” Julia said, “Chris, we’re here for you. I’m here for you now.” “Julia,” he groaned, and tried to cover his face with his hands. She stroked his hair, and then he clung to her, his body rocking with the convulsive sobs that wracked him. “It’s gonna be okay,” she whispered, “I promise, Chris, it’s gonna be —” “No,” he groaned, and sat up. He stared at her with his eyes, glittering with pain like broken shards of glass. “I remember, Julia. I remember it all.” She recoiled, suddenly stricken with horror, and as more pain passed over his face, she cursed herself for her clumsiness. “It’s never happened before,” he said in a voice like a child, “never, never. I’ve never remembered — and then Joe was here, but he wasn’t Joe at all, he was never Joe, and he was saying these things, these crazy things, and the things he was doing, like he does, the way he was touching me —” Chris swallowed, and another tear slid like a traitor down his face. “And then I was different. Hot, and it hurt, and I was different, I wasn’t me. It was like I was watching myself from far away, and I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t stop, and I hurt him, Julia, I hurt Not-Joe, but I didn’t just hurt him, I killed him and I ate him, I ATE him, oh god Julia, oh GOD, and nothing will ever be all right again.” He collapsed against her again, and she held him and rocked him, and she tried to smile at Barnabas as he draped a blanket over the young man’s vulnerable body, but she knew, somewhere deep down inside, that Christopher was right. Nothing would ever be all right again. ACT II 1 "Miss Evans," Eliot Stokes said, and glared at the black-haired woman in the floor-length ebnoy gown standing before him, "you must forgive an old man's acerbic and potentially rude forthrightness, but I really have to say that you haven't exactly give me reason to trust you these days." He paused, and added carefully, "What with the company you keep." Maggie Evans batted her khol-lined lashes. "Professor Stokes," she purred, "there's no reason to take that tone with me. You've known me since I was a child. Surely that's reason enough to speak to me now." Stokes' face hardened. "Your father is dead," he said, but stepped aside to allow Maggie entrance. She brushed by him, a tiny smile dimpling her purple lips, and let the black fur coat slip from her shoulders. She hung it over the arm of Stokes' favorite easy chair, then turned back to face him. "So you've heard all the village gossip," she said, and shrugged. "What does that matter to me?" "Not a lot these days, I'd wager. Which is too bad, my dear. If I didn't know better, I'd say your attire is suitable for mourning. Alas, I do know better." "What on earth do you mean?" "Let's not play insane games, Miss Evans," Stokes thundered suddenly, and Maggie recoiled a little. "I know that you were responsible for Sam Evans' death. You ... or whatever you've become." Maggie's eyes flashed, and for a moment — just a terrifying moment, Stokes thought, and felt the world spin dizzily beneath him — they glowed a sinister black. Just like those of Victoria Winters, he realized. It's the powers of darkness, or how they manifest themselves. The eyes are supposedly the windows of the soul, so if the soul was corrupted ... Then the blackness faded away, if it was ever really there, and Maggie cocked her head and smiled charmingly. "Whatever I've become," she said, and added a trill of musical laughter. "Dear Professor Stokes, you are amusing. Why, I've become nothing more or less than I was before. Well," she said, musing, "perhaps a little more ..." "You have a purpose for visiting me tonight?" Stokes was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a stony wall of indifference when speaking to her. She was right. He had known her since a child; why, she and his daughter Alexis had skipped rope together down the sidewalk; Maggie would bring him left-over slices of cherry pie from the diner some cold, blustery nights; she had consulted him when she was thinking of leaving Colllinsport for college in New York; she and Quentin were going to be married — But all that was a long time ago, Stokes thought, and warily eyed the night-shaded young woman who now sat before him, legs crossed daintily, long black-lacquered nails drumming airily on the arms of his easy chair. A long time ago indeed, and I'm nothing but an old, old man. "Over the past few months," Maggie said, and her teeth, Stokes noted, seemed very white in her mouth, "you may have noticed that I've begun to play around with a new hobby." "I'm going to assume that you are not referring to Nicholas Blair." Maggie laughed again. "Touché, Professor." She sobered a little, but her eyes were still dark and wicked. "Nicholas is helping me reach my ... potential, I guess you might say, but I have recently realized that there are certain things I would like to handle myself." She leaned forward, elbows on her knees. "You have something I am very much interested in obtaining." "I am not in the habit of loaning out anything that may be of value to a practitioner of the supernatural," Stokes said with a tiny moue of disdain, "particularly if their inclination seems as bent to the darkness as yours does." "Darkness," Maggie said, and tittered, but her face was serious, and the pupils threatened to swallow her entire eyes. "Indeed. But I'm afraid you're mistaken, Professor Stokes. I don't want you to loan me anything. Rather, I just want to pick your brain. Yes, that's it. I want ... a little peek. That's all." She rose in one fluid motion from her chair, graceful and ferocious and focused as a stalking panther, and he took a shambling half-step backwards. "What do you want?" he barked, but he could hear the tremor in his voice. You're not a month out of the hospital yet, he scolded himself; get ahold of yourself. But it was difficult when a sorceress who was less of a novice than he had anticipated was stalking him across his own living room. Black sparks had begun to jump and crackle between her fingers, and she was grinning in a most unpleasant manner. "I told you," Maggie said. "A peek, that's all. A little tour of that big frontal lobe of yours." Her voice was low and deceivingly gentle. He supposed she was supposed to sound soothing or cajoling. Her pupils had completely swallowed her eyes, and they were nothing but black, charred holes. The air around her was darkening in her eagerness. Stokes could feel all the hair on his arms beginning to stand up. He stumbled backwards, hands outstretched behind him, groping, and he bit down on his lip to prevent a cry from escaping when he backed painfully into his desk, crammed haphazardly in a corner by the fireplace. "What do you want to know?" he said, and his hands were digging about through the papers on his desk, fumbling about. I left it out, he thought, I left it out after Julia and I had talked about Nicholas Blair, and how she believed he was threatening her. I know it's here, now focus, you soft, stupid old man, focus and find it NOW! "Maybe I can just tell you." "Oh, it's more fun this way," Maggie purred. Her hair was blowing and drifting about in a spectral wind, and her face had drained of color until she was like salt, bleached and bony. "Believe me." "What's happened to you, Maggie?" Stokes asked, and the despair in his voice was real. Where the hell is it? he screamed inside, and tried to inconspicuously knock over a stack of papers. They spilled in a sheaf over his fingers and see-sawed to the floor. "You've changed, can't you feel it?" She was nearly upon him. "Of course I can feel it," she said. "I'm a hundred times more the woman I used to be, a thousand. You stupid, stupid man. Can't you see how powerful I've become? It's in the air all around you. And it's me. Can't you feel it?" And he could. It sounded like a million voices screaming in pain thousands of miles away; his skin prickled and crawled as if ants danced over its surface; he smelled something charred and electrical. And at that moment his fingers closed around it, the blessed balm he had been seeking (but, he reminded himself, had never tested, and there was no time like the present, was there?), and he seized it and held it out before him. The effect was instantaneous. A surge of power like an invisible fist sewn inside his skin, his sinew, his bones and his blood, rammed through his arm and ignited in the symbol he thrust out. It was made from bronze and was roughly a cross quartered in a circle; he had bought it in an antique shop on his last trip to England more than ten years before. The owner of the shop had been a willowy woman with long red hair, and she had assured him that it had protected one family in Devonshire from a malicious witch for over a century. Proven, never tested, he thought, but the talisman was glowing with a fierce blue light, and Maggie Evans threw her hands up before her face and cowered away from it with a shrill, feline scream. "It burns!" she cried. "Oh god, oh god, it burns!" "Get back," Stokes boomed, delirious with the sudden rush of power, and took a step towards her. She screamed again, and her arms pinwheeled as her feet tangled together and she collapsed in an untidy heap. "Put it away," she moaned, and shook her clawed hands at him. "Please, please, you don't know, you just don't —" Her voice died off into a choked gurgle, and she pressed her hands against her eyes. "I don't think that would be very wise, do you?" he asked pleasantly. "Considering what would happen to me if I did." "I'll leave you alone," Maggie cried. "I swear, I swear —" "To whom, Miss Evans? That's the question, isn't it." He knelt beside her, and held the throbbing symbol very near to her cheek. She tried to squirm away, moaning and hissing, but her back was against the wall. "Now this is fascinating. You're such a powerful witch — a baby witch, but a witch nevertheless — and yet you're completely unable to dematerialize. How upsetting that must be for you at this moment." "Shut up," she spat. A snarl of veins had stretched out across her face and writhed now like thick worms about to burst their black guts across her snow-white skin. "But only a moment ago you were so very intent on hearing what I had to say. Has that changed so much?" The look of hate in those inhuman, obsidian eyes would have frozen a man of lesser years and an equal amount of experience in dealing with the supernatural; fortunately for Eliot Stokes, he was, as they said in the vernacular, very much seasoned. Her eyes narrowed. Her lips, cracked now and as black as her eyes and hair, tightened. Stokes pressed the amulet to her cheek. Maggie twisted away with a shriek, and cried, "The Mask! The Mask!" He raised an eyebrow. That rings a bell, he thought, but what sort of bell? "Mask?" "Of Ba'al," she snarled, panting like a dog. "Nicholas told me about it, but I sensed it myself. A power greater, darker than anything I've ever felt before. It's nearby, and I want it. I need it." "The Mask of Ba'al," Stokes said. "I've heard whispers of it. It's been thought legendary for centuries. Not to mention irrevocably lost." "I sensed it," Maggie said, stubbornly, petulantly. "And Nicholas wants it." "I want it." "It supposedly imbues its wearer with so much magic that they become the most powerful being in the universe." "Something like that." Maggie closed her eyes. "But it's dangerous. To ... to them." Stokes raised an eyebrow. "Them?" Then he nodded. "Ah, yes. I see now. The Leviathans, of course." "Leviathans?" "Your boyfriend didn't tell you about them, did he. They're old, my dear, predating human civilization by at least a millennia. Possibly more. They ruled this earth in a time when there was no man, no animals. Only darkness — the same darkness, I'd wager, that you're so fond of." Stokes removed the amulet from her cheek, but cautiously, and she peered at him through slitted eyelids, crafty, like a serpent. "They're attempting to rise again, and when they do, your life and the life of that miserable excuse for a warlock you fancy won't be worth spit." Maggie opened her mouth; the amulet flashed blue again, and she cringed back. "Let me go," she whimpered. "That wouldn't be very wise. No, Miss Evans, I'm afraid we still have a few things left to talk about. Like why, for instance, you came calling instead of Mr. Nicholas Blair." Stokes smiled a little. "Oh, of course. He doesn't know you're here, does he." She glared at him; he held up the amulet, and she growled, then nodded miserably. "I thought not. You came here hoping that I could show you an easy way to the Mask of Ba'al so that you could don it yourself. You were going to betray Nicholas, and why shouldn't you? All that power, just waiting for you, all that power untapped, all for you, just for you. You like power don't you? And why not? You've never had it before. Never tasted it. And once you have the Mask you'll be truly free, won't you. You wouldn't need Nicholas Blair or your father —" "Shut up." "— or Quentin Collins —" "Shut up!" "— or anyone else, ever again." Stokes leaned back on his heels, satisfied. Tears streaked down her cheeks, and as he watched, the fat veins disappeared, and the black faded from her hair and her eyes, and roses flooded her cheeks, and she was Maggie Evans again, that simple hometown girl who only wanted to not be alone ever again, who only wanted someone to love her. She leaned forward and fell into his arms, and he held her and rocked her, until she pushed herself away with a groan and covered her face in her hands. He watched her, unsure what she would do next, but he kept a tight grip on the amulet. But something was broken inside of her, he thought, something has changed. We'll just have to see what. She looked at him through big brown eyes, familiar eyes, and whispered, "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so ... sorry." "You have a lot to be sorry for." "I can't stop," she said, and snuffled once, and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I'm sorry, but it's ... it's too late for me. I can't stop. I don't even know if I want to stop, Professor Stokes. All of this ... the power, god, the power, and you don't know —" She broke off, and stared in guilty silence at her hands, warring with each other in the lap of her soiled black evening gown. "I can't. I just —" "It's possible that it's too late," Stokes said, "and I can't tell you what you should do. I'm not your father." She winced, and he thought that was, perhaps, a good sign. "This was the first thing in my life I was ever good at." The pain in her eyes was huge, a cavity, a maw. The darkness was still there, and it roiled inside her uneasily. "Who was I before this? Before Nicholas? Nobody. A dumb, smalltown hick, a waitress. I was nobody. Not good enough for ... for anyone. Then everything changed, I changed, and I was making a difference. All of a sudden. I changed things, Professor Stokes, me, Maggie Evans, and I'm more now than I ever was before." "I'm not going to judge you, Maggie. Everyone has choices to make. Your life is what you make of it. But you have to be strong; you can't be carried along in a rushing tide of events, never reacting, never stepping outside the bounds. You'll lose yourself for real, and you might never come back. Choose, Maggie, but whatever you do, choose to be strong. Choose for yourself. You cannot let anyone else choose for you." "I don't know," she whispered. "I'm so tired, Professor. I'm just so tired." She leaned her head against his shoulder. "I can't ... I can't choose now. I don't know what to do." She touched his hand. "Please help me. Please." He patted her hair. "Go back to Nicholas. Go home. Do what you have to do. And come back to me when you decide. I'll be here whenever you need me, Maggie, I promise." And he meant it. He just hoped she believed him. 2 Sky's face was grim as they drove towards Collinwood; it loomed above them, waiting like a crouched, watchful beast at the end of the winding road that led up the hill. Angelique shivered; she hated it. But Sky was here, and she wasn't sure how that made her feel. We're so alike after all, she thought, and shouldn't that make us perfect for each other? But I just don't know. I don't know if I'll ever be really sure. Or comfortable. Or safe. "I can feel it," he said, and she just blinked at him. His face in the darkness was white, but Hecate, he was a handsome man. His jaw was like iron, square and beautiful, and his eyes were gray and flinty. I missed him so much, she thought now, and felt a pang inside her like metal striking metal; I didn't know how much I missed him until he was back again, and I love him, and I can't help it. "I can feel it, all that darkness. It's like poison up here. Like a cloud. What's going on there, Angelique? What's happening?" "I don't know," she said, and chewed at her fingernails. She examined them suddenly in the green glow of the dashboard, and frowned. She'd chewed them down until they were ragged. A drop of blood, perfect, like a black pearl in the darkness, had bloomed from one torn cuticle. "It's changing things, whatever it is. And people. Everyone at Collinwood, for all I know." "And you're sure." "Sure?" She laughed, a hard sound, too hard. Too much like old times. The laughter choked and died in her throat and suddenly she was just tired. "I'm not sure of anything anymore." "About the effect this ... whatever it is will have on the world." He was staring straight ahead, not looking at her. She suddenly felt very cold. But determined. "Yes," she said as they pulled into the driveway. "Whatever is responsible for changing things the way they have can only be stopped by magic, or some other supernatural force. There is no other answer, Sky. I can feel the darkness too. It's ... difficult." She dropped her eyes, then opened them wide when she felt his hand slip into hers. He squeezed, and she returned it gratefully. Then the contact was broken, and he slid out of the car and began to march, very much the business man, towards Collinwood. She followed him, holding her breath. "Angelique!" And froze in her tracks. It was Julia calling to her from the edge of the trees, and as Angelique turned to greet her, she saw that someone else was with her. Barnabas. My god, it's Barnabas. He couldn't meet her eyes either, but his face was white in all the darkness, and he seemed ... ashamed? "Angelique?" It was Sky beside her, running his arm around her waist, holding her tight ... and she breathed a sigh of relief. Because she hadn't wanted to pull away, hadn't wanted to run to Barnabas. That part of her life was over; she saw that now, finally. Barnabas Collins was in her past, safely, where he belonged. Sky was her future. She loved him, and he loved her, and she would die for him. How nice it felt to admit that. She snuggled against him. "Barnabas," Angelique said, and her voice was soft, and gentle, completely unlike the voice some of them knew, "Julia. This is Sky Rumson. My husband." And that was that. It was easy; why had she always been so afraid? Barnabas was shaking Sky's hand, and Sky shot her a quick glance, because he could feel how cold the other man's hands were. "Sky is here to help," Angelique said, because Julia's eyes were very wide, and her nostrils were flaring like a frightened horse, and of course, Angelique realized, it has to be because she's in the presence of a warlock ten thousand times more powerful than Nicholas Blair. "He's on our side, Julia. Everything is going to be all right." Julia nodded, but she still didn't trust him. Angelique couldn't be bothered with that right now. There were a thousand things more important, and one of them was before them. Collinwood. More than sinister, sheathed in shadows, looming above them with one light burning. "It's there," Sky said, and his voice was slightly strangled. "I can feel it. Pulsing, like in waves." He closed his eyes. "Something's happening up there. There's power, and ... and someone is trying —" He gritted his teeth. "Damn. I can't see it, exactly, but I can feel it." He held up his hands, and stared at them all simply. "I'm draining." And Barnabas. "Can't you feel it?" Barnabas nodded slowly. "A little," he said. "I think. A little pulling, like a tug." He tapped his forehead. "Up here." "It's Victoria," Julia said. She looked at the ground and shuffled her feet a little, and her fingers drummed against her thigh. She wants a cigarette, Angelique thought wisely; I don't believe I've ever seen her without one. "How do you know?" Barnabas sounded concerned, but wary at the same time. Julia's voice was flat, completely without emotion. "Because they know," she said. "I know what's happening to Vicki because they know it too. And they hate it." "Julia," Barnabas said, "who are you talking about?" She stared at him for a moment, and her face was blank and white in the moonlight. "The Leviathans," she said. 3 Roger Collins was possessed yet again, and he loathed it, mostly because it made him very tired. He sat on the child's bed and stared at his hands, folded in his lap, and ground his teeth together as pain like the slashing of machetes gored and gouged his brain. His vision was black in places and red in others, and his entire body pulsed and was numb, then pulsed, and then became numb again. But he couldn't move, even if he wanted to, because they didn't want him to. And he had to listen to them. He had to obey. They lived in his brain, and they hissed like a nest of serpents. Amy Jennings raged before him, her tiny hands now tiny fists, and as he watched she slammed one viciously against the wall of her room. She left a little mark behind, and plaster puffed out of it in a plume of white plaster. He winced; Liz would never forgive him if she knew what he'd seen and hadn't done anything about. "That bitch," Amy spat, "that vicious dog-bitch." Roger closed his eyes. To hear a child speak such abominations ... it was ... well, abominable. Amy turned and glared at him with flat, hooded cobra-eyes. "She's going to ruin absolutely everything." "Maybe that's for the best," Roger said. Exhaustion — the kind of exhaustion that came from three months of an hour of sleep a night (or sometimes less) — made his voice brittle. Even living with Laura had given him better peace of mind. "You don't dare to speak like that," Amy said, and her voice was dangerous. "Why not?" Roger said, and managed to smile a little. "What's the worst your people can do to me? Kill me? That would be a blessing at this point." "We can kill your son," Amy said. "We can kill your sister and your niece and all your friends. We can do it in front of you. Make you watch. Make you drink their blood if we want. We can do anything. You shouldn't forget that." Roger bowed his head. "Right," he said. "You're omnipotent. I'll try to remember." "Won't matter soon," Amy said. "She can only block us for so long. And she won't want to soon." "How is it possible that she's blocking you now? You all being so omnipotent." Amy's face went dark. It was a terrifying expression, a look so black and so murderous, resting on the porcelain features of a child. But it flitted away a moment later, and Roger understood that, for all her posturing and snarling, Amy had no real power. Neither did the monsters that possessed her and spoke through her in such obscenities. That didn't mean that they wouldn't eventually, but for now — "Because of her father," Amy said. "Do you remember her father?" Roger stared at her. "Vicki is an orphan," he said. "How on earth could I possibly know —" He broke off. An idea was dawning on him, a most unpleasant idea, and he suddenly felt like the world's greatest prat. "You're beginning to understand," Amy said, "if that astounded chimpanzee look on your face is any indication." "Fenn-Gibbon," Roger whispered. "That awful, that beastly man —" Amy nodded. "Oh dear lord," Roger said. His face was very pale. "I saw the resemblance to Louise, of course, but I thought that's why Liz hired her. Sentimental reasons. She said the baby died with Louise." "She lied to you." "And Fenn-Gibbon ... Victor ... Victoria. Of course." He thought he might vomit. "Liz always said he had powers, and I never believed her." Amy's face was smug. "Bet you know a thing or two about power now, don't you." "And he was one of you?" "He promised to bring us back," Amy said. "His powers were vast. Like the scope of the universe. But she undid him. His own daughter. Trapped him, never to return." Her smile was crafty again. "Unless." "Unless?" "Unless she becomes one of us. Accepts her destiny, as it was meant to be." "And what is her destiny?" "She will open the way for us. For our leader. Through Victoria Winters, the Leviathans will take back this world. We will claim it from our place beyond the sea, from the darkest of the darkest depths. It will be ours again. All dark. Forever." Amy crossed her arms and smiled beatifically. "I think it's time we bring some authority to our presence." A shadow of greed flitted across her face. "Do you have it?" Roger nodded. "I stole it from Carolyn." He held it up; it caught the light and sparkled. Amy snatched it from his hand and watched it, her face alight with a child's simple sense of wonder. It dangled on the end of Paul Stoddard's silver chain; a horrible thing, a totem, a talisman. It was crystal and jade and emerald and ivory and was carved in the shape of a serpent with two heads. Their eyes were rubies. "Yes," Amy hissed, "I think the time has come. The time has come at last." ACT THREE 1 Vicki fell back on her knees with a keening wail of desperation and frustration. The power that crackled obsidian fire between her fingers dissipated and fell away, and she felt it all begin to cool and fade away inside her. The black in her eyes faded to brown. She slammed a fist against the carpet, and felt hot tears begin to course down her cheeks. She wiped them away with the back of her arm, but more fell in their place. She didn't understand, she didn't understand at all, and that was the most frustrating. She was powerful. She knew it, could feel it; everytime she opened that door within herself she knew it grew a little wider, a little more difficult to close, but it was worth it, because the power inside was like a great furnace. It came from her; she was the power, and it had always been enough before. She had undone Count Petofi's mind switch with Quentin, trapped the Count within his own ring, brought Professor Stokes back from the darkness of his coma, freed Carolyn from the grip of the Roget-thing and banished said thing to a dimension of unspeakable torment, saved David from the Leviathans, and fried two threatening vampires to a crisp. She wasn't just powerful; she was the power itself. So why couldn't she bring her lover back from the abyss? "I can't give up," she thought, and tottered back to her feet. She stood before him, swaying a little, and stared down at him ... and for just a moment felt a bolt of something so pure, so vile, swim through her that at first she couldn't identify it. And when she did, her mouth fell open and she shook her head in vehement denial. Hatred. A hatred so black and consuming that it had threatened, momentarily, to overwhelm her, and she had almost — Almost what? Given up? And not just that. Bile rose in her throat in a burning tide, and she covered her face with her hands and sobbed helplessly. I almost gave up, she thought, and that means nothing more than letting the power take over, a living tide, a thing of blackness; I almost let it take over ... and I almost burned my lover to a crisp. And I could do it. With little effort. With no effort. Just ... give up. "No," she snarled. "There has to be a way. I can fix this. I can do it." She raised her hands and willed the power to rise in her again, and felt the door spring open and a tide of something, roiling and black and awesome, build inside her, huge and leaping like fire like love like a tide hot fearsome ferocious insatiable hot hot and cold nothing like cold ice ice ice — "NO!" And someone slammed against her and knocked her to the ground, and the power fell apart into invisible shards, and she cried out, a cheated, wounded wail. There were people in the door, three faces, pale and chalky, like sheep, and the man before her, the man rising to his feet and staring at her like some new specimen of monster, this was someone new, someone she'd never seen before in her life, and how dare he — "I'm sorry," the stranger said sheepishly, and offered her her his hand. Dazed, she took it, and allowed him to pull her to her feet. "I didn't mean to do it like that. But the air — I mean, I've seen things like that before I guess, but never so black. And I've never heard it scream like that, the air ... like something alive. Like something was killing it. And I didn't want you to be hurt." "Vicki —" one of the doorway people said, and it was Barnabas, and his face was like paper. Barnabas is back! some distant part of her thought, and then she saw him — really saw him — and she knew what had happened to him. Again. Somehow. And it all began to make a lot of sense. "Who are you?" she asked the man who had tackled her like a linebacker. He was handsome in a dull sort of way; lantern jaw, tousled brown hair, dark eyes. And then she felt him, without even intending to do so, felt inside him, and she recoiled. There was a darkness there, like a seed planted deep inside, like a tree, but stunted and dead, cut off and away, but a darkness nonetheless. A power. Potent. And tappable. She licked her lips. And he saw her do it. "My name is Schuylar Rumson," he said. "And you're Victoria Winters." "Now that's hardly fair," she said, and tossed her head coquettishly. "You know me, and I don't know a thing about you." He scowled at her, and she felt that pang of fear again, distantly, and she hated it, because he did know — he could see inside her just as well as she could see in him, and it made her afraid. Afraid and ashamed. "I don't think that's true now, do you?" he said, and smiled, but his eyes were flinty and watchful. She opened her mouth to reply, and then saw the others in the doorway, lurking beside the vampire-man-then- vampire-again, and her the words died in her throat. Dark, bitter amusement replaced them, and she couldn't help but laugh. "Well, well, well," she chuckled. "If it isn't Cassandra Collins. Or is it Miranda tonight? It's so hard to keep up with you." Angelique quailed, and Vicki laughed again. She could smell the fear coming off of her in waves; it was a terrible smell, an irritating smell, like iron shavings, like spoiled tomato sauce, like curdled milk. It made her want to darken, to reach inside herself and — Sky Rumson dropped a hand over hers, and Vicki bared her teeth, but froze under his forcible — and yet somehow deeply patient and ... and god, caring — stare, and found that she couldn't move at all. "Don't," he said simply. "You don't want to hurt anybody else, do you?" Her eyes narrowed. "I don't know what you mean," she said icily. "Quentin!" Julia cried, and knelt beside him. Vicki had to quash the urge to knock her aside with an energy bolt. Besides, she thought, annoyed, Mr. Schuylar Rumson would probably just get in the way. Whoever — or whatever — the hell he is. Julia pressed her fingers against Quentin's limp wrist, and then against his throat. "He's alive," she said, brow furrowed. "His pulse is steady. I don't understand —" Vicki rolled her eyes. Sky joined Julia next to Quentin, and placed his fingers against the other man's temples, then closed his eyes. "He's gone," he said after a moment. "Quentin Collins is not at home." Angelique rushed to his side. "What does that mean?" she cried. "Sky? What's the matter with him?" "I was trying to help," Vicki said, "when Mr. Rumson knocked me down." Sky raised an eyebrow. "Tried to help him? Miss Winters, you're responsible for his condition." Vicki felt blood rushing crimson to her cheeks, and railed at herself that she was unable to stop herself from something so simple — so human — as blushing. Barnabas was staring at her with something like horror, and for a moment (and only a moment) she felt the blush in her cheeks again. From shame. But that ice inside her rose again, and she returned his gaze levelly until he looked away, his eyes low with guilt. "The power," Sky said quietly. "There's a lot of it inside you, isn't there." Vicki said nothing. Sky shrugged. "Must be important to you. Has to be, if you were willing to do whatever it was you did to him." He jerked a thumb in Quentin's direction. "You don't know anything," Vicki said. "Sure I do," Sky said. He stood beside her now, and something was rising in him. Vicki could feel all the hair on her body beginning to stand up, and a tiny spark of terror broke through the sheath of ice inside her. "I know you. I can feel you, Victoria Collins." Vicki gasped and tried to move away, but she couldn't. She was bound to the floor, and Sky was very near to her. "Who are you?" she whispered. There were tears in her eyes, and they hurt, they burned and they dug at her, but she couldn't blink them away. "That's who you are, isn't it? A Collins? You know it, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is now. I can feel the power inside you, Victoria. I had a lot of power once too. Might be that I still do. I'm not really sure. To be honest, I'm a little afraid to test it out." His eyes were glowing now, the pupils dilating and contracting, dilating and contracting; red lightning flashed inside them, and crackled between his fingers. "Sky —" Angelique said, her voice tense with worry. "So much power," Sky said, his voice soft and caressing, and his eyes were totally black now. "It's dangerous. Alluring, but difficult. Such a burden. Why don't you just let me —" And suddenly, quick as a cat, quick as lightning, quicker than time and in the taking of a breath, he slammed one hand against Vicki's breast. She arched backwards and tried to scream; her eyes flew open and glowed a dark, hellish obsidian; a surge of power, black, always black, flowed out of her and into Sky Rumson; he stumbled backwards but was held aloft by the energy around him that now began to glow a feverish red. With that same devil's speed he spun around and placed both his hands on the temples of Quentin Collins. The power around him faded to a soft pink; Sky's breathing came in huge, snuffling gasps; "Suscito!" he commanded, and "Sentio! Cogito!" And Quentin sat up with a surge of power; his eyes bulged, and he opened his mouth to suck in a huge gasp of air. Sky fell backwards, drained, exhausted, and the power around him snapped and popped, then finally dissipated. "Quentin!" Julia cried, and scrambled forward to examine him. He blinked at her with wide blue eyes, but still dull and dazed. "V-Vicki?" he whispered. His voice was harsh and his breathing labored; he placed a hand to his forehead and winced. He shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts, and then let his eyes scan the people before him. Sky Rumson had sank to his knees with his head down, breathing deeply and then exhaling slowly and carefully; Angelique sat at his side, one hand on his shoulder, but her face was shadowed with trouble; Barnabas cradled Vicki in his arms, and held her as her head drooped backwards and her eyes fluttered. "What happened?" Quentin asked, then clutched his head again. "Ow," he murmured. "You don't remember?" Julia monitored him carefully. "I don't ... it's hard to remember," he said. "Or to think at all." His eyes fell on Barnabas and Vicki, and he tried to sit up, then fell backwards onto the sofa. "Vicki," he groaned. "How is she? What happened to her?" Sky lifted his head. "That's what we're trying to figure out, Mr. Collins." Quentin scowled at him. "Who the hell are you?" "Schuylar Rumson." Quentin's eyes darted to Angelique, and widened as she nodded. "I brought you back, Mr. Collins. Don't ask me from where; I'm not sure I could tell you even if I did know. A dark place. Cold. Not ... not somewhere I'd want to be." "And Barnabas ..." Quentin said in a near whisper. Julia squeezed his hand. "We have a lot to discuss, Quentin," she said, and her voice was thin, like paper. Vicki groaned and opened her eyes, and they were brown and lucid. She blinked, and rubbed her forehead. "Hurts," she whispered. She looked into Barnabas' eyes, then scuttled away from him, shaking her head and whimpering. "Sky?" Angelique whispered. Her hand trembled in his. "I'm fine," he said, but his face was pale and his hands were shaking like little birds. "Miss Winters ... Victoria ...?" Vicki opened her mouth, then closed it, and dropped her head. "Oh," she said, and then, "Oh ..." and covered her face with her hands. Her shoulders shook, and her hair, now more than half a fall of snowy white, fell about her like a shroud. They watched her silently, unsure, all of them, their faces white and their eyes wide and their mouths tightly closed. Finally she lifted her head and blinked at them, and her face was strained and wet with tears. "I'm sorry," she said; her voice grated and cracked, and her eyes were wide with misery. "I'm so ... sorry." No one said a word. They're afraid of me, Vicki thought, and looked at her hands. They were small and nicely shaped, even though one of her nails was chipped. Nice hands, she thought, pretty little hands. That could end the world right now, if I wished it to be so. She wanted to cover her face again and moan. Instead, she said, "I don't know what you did, Mr. Rumson ... but thank you. So ... so much." Sky nodded. He still looked drained, but the color was returning to his cheeks. Vicki watched the two of them, Angelique and Schuylar Rumson, and thought how much in love they seemed, their hands linked, their eyes returning to each other every few seconds. She felt a stab of jealousy, then willed it away. It went, easily, like leaves drifting away in a gentle wind. She looked to Quentin, then looked away. I can't ever have him, she thought remotely, never touch him. Ever again. Not after ... She swallowed. It felt like glass in her throat. "Sorry," she said, and watched her hands. "God." 2 Later, Julia watched the moon sailing through the sky, and puffed distractedly on her cigarette. It's not a man, she thought, and shivered a little; at least, not a living man. It's like a skull in the sky. Always watching us. Always aware ... but dead just the same. Just ... dead. Barnabas put a hand on her shoulder, and she jumped a little. His fingers were cold and hard, like marble, like a statue. He tried to smile, but it didn't fit his face very well; it was hard too, and mask-like. "I'm sorry for everything I've ever put you through," he said, and though his face was cold and watchful, his voice was warm. Tender. "Julia," he said, as if tasting her name. She shrugged. "Occupational hazard," she said. It was mid-March, and the wind sailing over and across her was still jagged with a hint of ice and redolent of the salt of the sea. Not usually an unpleasant odor, but tonight ... tonight, the associations were just a little too ... She didn't know. "You're going to be fine," Barnabas said. "So is Vicki. So is everyone at Collinwood. We will fight these things; we'll beat them back. Humankind has done it before. We will prevail." "I'm afraid, Barnabas," she said softly. He put his arm around her shoulder and drew her close. "I can feel them all the time now. Watching ... listening. Waiting. They're like ... like snakes in my brain." "Professor Stokes can help." "He's a part of it too." "But he's fighting. So can you." She closed her eyes. "Oh Barnabas," she whispered, "Barnabas, I want to. So badly. These creatures are responsible for so much pain and suffering. Vicki ..." Her voice trailed off, and for a moment she seemed to go deep inside herself. She returned with a tiny start. He watched her questioningly. "I've seen her like that before," she said at last. "When she brought Eliot back from his coma. I was scared then, but she was nothing like she was tonight. The air — the air around her was screaming, Barnabas, like it was in pain. Like it was dying. And it was all black." "She's afraid now. She's promised to stop." "I don't think it's that easy," Julia said, and worried her lower lip. "Her power comes from Petofi, and Petofi is a part of the Leviathans somehow." "She told us. She's fighting too. She has been, it sounds like, for awhile. She cured David —" "And she nearly killed Quentin. Her powers are dangerous and uncontrollable, Barnabas, and who knows how long this ... this abstinence will last? She has a taste for it now; it's in her blood. Like an addiction." "You forget," Barnabas said. "I know how that feels." She touched his hand, his cold, dead hand, and did not shudder or tremble. "Oh Barnabas," she said. "I could never forget. But look at you. You've conquered your demons, and these were the literal kind. You could have chosen to continue down that path, that darkness, but you didn't. You came back." "I have so much to make up for," Barnabas said. "Sabrina Stuart —" His voice choked off. "We're going to make it better," Julia said, and squeezed his hand. "I promise." He broke away from her, pulling his fingers from hers, and she frowned, but forced her forehead to smooth again. She followed him to the door of Chris' cottage. No lights burned, but Julia figured that he was sleeping it off. They had disposed of Nathan Forbes' body after Julia had given Chris a sedative and put him to bed. It's really very sad, Julia had thought at the time, helping Barnabas drag the tarp-covered body while ducking branches, that we have to plan where to bury the bodies now. The forest near Collinwood is full of 'em. Barnabas didn't bother knocking; he simply faded through the door. Julia frowned again, and wondered if he even realized that he had done it. The vampire inside him is stronger than he thinks, she told herself; we have to be careful. Not out of the woods quite yet. "Julia!" Barnabas cried, and the alarm in his voice spurred her to running. She dashed through the door, her long green coat flapping behind her like wings, and she nearly stumbled before she came to a complete stop. He was standing next to the kitchen table, a note held tight in his hands. "It's from Chris," he said, and handed it to her. B AND J, it read, I'M SORRY. DIDN'T TAKE THE SEDATIVE. HAVE TO GET AWAY. FROM HERE. FROM THIS TOWN. FROM JOE AND FROM EVERYONE. THE ANIMAL IS THERE ALL THE TIME NOW, AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE MEANS ANYMORE. I DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYBODY ELSE. I'LL CALL. TAKE CARY OF AMY. PLEASE DON'T TRY TO FIND ME. I'M SORRY. She let the note sail from her fingers and see-saw lazily down to the floor. They stared at each other wordlessly for a moment. "He's gone," she said at last. A tear ran from one eye down her cheek, and she made no move to brush it away. Her chest felt heavy and hot. Her fingers itched. "He's really gone." "Dammit," Barnabas growled. "My fault," Julia said. "All my fault." "You were trying to help him." "Some help I turned out to be. He's even worse off than he was before." Her eyes widened with terror. "Barnabas," she said, clutching at his arm, "Barnabas, you don't suppose he went off to ... to ..." She couldn't even say it. Barnabas shook his head slowly. "I can sense him," he admitted at last. "Things are different now, Julia. For me. For Vicki. Even for Sky Rumson. The Leviathans are a power of darkness none of us have ever encountered before, and somehow they're heightening our powers as well. It frightens me ... but I can still sense Christopher Jennings. He's far from here by now — I couldn't follow him if my life depended on it, or his, or yours — but still alive. And powerful. He'll go far from here, I'm sure ... but I think he'll be back." "Poor Amy," Julia said. "I'll have to tell her tomorrow." "If she is as Vicki says, you may not have to worry. I don't think the real Amy Jennings is in there anymore." "Oh god," Julia said, and she couldn't stop crying, even as she folded herself into his arms, "oh god, Barnabas, what are we going to do? What can we do?" He held her out before him and stared into her eyes. "What we always do, Julia. What we will continue to do. What we have to. "We'll survive." 3 And this is the way that awful night, that dreadful night, that long and terrible (and miles to go before they sleep) night, finally, irrevocably ends: Chris Jennings places his chin in the palm of his hand, and watches the scenery speed by him, now gently bathed in the rose of the early morning sun. He has never felt so alive in his life, and this terrifies him. He can feel the darkness pulsing like a heartbeat as he leaves Collinsport behind. He needs to be away from humans, any humans, all humans. Somewhere quiet, with trees, maybe mountains. A place he can think. And sleep. Sleep with no dreams. He closes his eyes. God, what he would give to not dream. Angelique Rumson lies in the arms of the man she loves, and places her head on Sky's barrel chest. Their lovemaking was fierce at first, frantic in its intensity and the heat of their desire, but ended quietly, gently, less a bang but never a whimper. I'm afraid, she tells him now, I can't help it; it's silly I know but I'm afraid. Of me? he asks. She nods. She has to. She can never lie to him again. I saw you, Sky, she says, and a tear slips unbidden from her eye. I saw what it did to you, and I'm sorry I ever — No, he says, and touches her lips with one fingertip. He is serious, but his love for her bathes her in warmth, and it's okay. She feels that; everything is going to be okay. You were right, Sky says, and strokes her hair. I have to help. It'll be hard, but I have to. I don't have any other choice. This is something I have to do. To make it all right again. And you will, she whispers in his ear, and she loves him again, as she has never loved him before, but deep down, she is still afraid. Maggie Evans whispers one word under her breath as she approaches the House by the Sea: infusco, she says, and can feel the magic work as her hair changes from a dark copper to a fathomless, shiny obsidian. Nicholas mustn't know what has happened this night. He's a fool really, a victim of his own vanity. Easily disposed of. And she told Professor Stokes the truth. She can't stop, and she doesn't think she ever will. A door has opened inside her, and it's far too late to close it now. But she's moved beyond Nicholas, beyond evil, beyond feeling. This might have frightened her once. It doesn't now. She slips through the door like a shadow, and glides up the stairs. He's in bed. Waiting for her. Smirking. His face is a weasel's. She can't even hate him. He doesn't speak; he slips inside her, but she is already occupied. She is Maggie Evans. She is darkness. Julia Hoffman administers an injection of her newly developed serum into Barnabas' arm. She'll prepare one for Carolyn later in the afternoon, after she allows herself a long nap. It won't do any good. She'll dream. She doesn't want to; she fears the dreams; she fears the voices; she fears herself. The needle slides into Barnabas' skin like a fang, and he doesn't wince. She wonders if he even feels it. When it's all over he squeezes her hand. I don't know what I'd do without you, he says. She looks at him. Looks at the syringe. Catches a glimpse of her reflection in a beaker. Alone. Talking to herself. Talking to a ghost. She looks at the syringe. She looks at him. Let's hope we never find out, she says. Victoria Winters (never Collins, she thinks darkly, and then wills the darkness away) watches the sea rage beneath her from where she stands near the edge of Widow's Hill. The ledge should crumble away beneath me, she thinks; it would be an easy death, the one I deserve. I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can stop. I don't know if I can leave the black garden, oh god, oh god I just don't know. When Quentin appears behind her she can sense him, and is disturbed by the fact that she can sense him, but she doesn't protest when he slides his arms around her and pulls her to him. He nuzzles her gently. You could never hurt me, he says, and breathes deeply into her hair. There's more white than dark now. He pretends not to notice. We can watch the sunrise from here, he whispers into her ear. It's a beautiful spot. You're beautiful. I love you, Victoria. I have always loved you. She turns to kiss him, without words, without tears, and though she knows she can never touch him she is touching him, because his love for her is pure and white and it will redeem her, and god and everyone, she wants to be redeemed. I just hope it isn't too late, she thinks, but while she's in the arms of Quentin Collins, she knows that everything is going to be all right. And the sea continues to sing its ancient song. TO BE CONTINUED ...